Wednesday 9 May 2007

One numpty, no vote

Over 140,000 votes - out of a total of around two million - have been rejected in the recent Scottish elections, says the BBC.

Why? Because there were two votes on one ballot paper. The elector had to put a check in one box, then further down the page, rank some other candidates in order of preference. Apparently 7% of people found this too difficult.

Not exactly rocket science, though, is it?

Simple solution: Make all ballot papers at least this "complicated" from now on. If you're too stupid to follow basic instructions on a ballot paper, you're too stupid to have a say in who runs the country.

No representation without education!

Incidentally, my apologies to anyone who deliberately spoiled their vote by way of offering a protest - I don't mean to lump you in with an entirely different type of imbecile.

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